
Below are descriptions for various volunteer positions within the SBBC+. If you are interested in one of these positions, please either submit your interest via our Volunteering Interests form or Contact Us.

Board Positions: Pres/VP/Treasurer/Secretary/Member at Large

Conduct official SBBC+ business.

City Liaison/Point of Contact)

Liaison for a specific city(s) [Our Service Area], listen/report on projects and opportunities to the SBBC+ Board. Advocate, speak at meetings, and participate in letter-writing campaigns for safe infrastructure.  During City elections, interview candidates and support health-like-minded candidates.

Community Outreach (Metro/Caltrans Projects)

Evaluate/develop project plans for city/metro/Caltrans projects and create action plans.

Legislation/Lobbying (Local-National)

Evaluate Local/state/national legislation, if agree, support letter/email writing campaign (with other advocacy groups).

Walking Director

Campaigns: “Walk with Gila” advocate for a safer infrastructure, support and grow South Bay walking groups, create a network of multipurpose trails that connect to local/regional parks, schools and points of interest.

Youth Education; YES Program

Work with youth education partners and local schools to conduct youth education classes.

Adult Education; Diversion Program

Court approved Traffic School & other forms of bicycling/pedestrian safety education, through printed material/classes/virtual & other means….

Social & Fund Raiser Director

Organize social fund raising events.

Social Ride Director

Organize social events for coalition members and community residents.


Pursue grant opportunities.

Website/Systems Integration; Mailchimp/Cloud/etc

Improve our website, social media, and outreach capabilities, evaluate the integration of the various systems and applications utilized by SBBC+, and make suggestions.


Collect and analyze data, perform surveys.

Sponsorship Program

Pursue sponsorship opportunities.

General Volunteer

Active, general SBBC+ volunteer. (Includes subscribing to the SBBC+ mailing list.)